wee dug by Joe Davie

David McGuinness's blog (2000-2018)

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Friday 19 September 2014

It’s the morning after the referendum vote, and Scotland appears to have a democracy hangover. Let’s hope that the right-wing parties in Westminster don’t exact too terrible a revenge for Scotland having the audacity to hold democratic power, even if it was only for 15 hours yesterday. We can be proud of our 84.6% turnout, and I’m especially proud of our young people (including my own children) who engaged wholeheartedly in the process and voted overwhelmingly to hang on to that power of self-determination. It was nothing to do with being Scottish: it was about returning power from an elite to the population. We’ll get there eventually.

On Monday night I was in the great company of Adrianne Greenbaum, Michael Alpert and Lev Atlas doing this.