wee dug by Joe Davie


cover image by Joseph Davie

Shepherds & Tea Tables

links to streaming and download services 
24-bit audio available at Bandcamp
PDF booklet with lyrics, notes, illustrations and photos

£7 + P&P - 56-page CD-size booklet & download card for VBR mp3s
NB - No actual CD!

Songs of love, society, commerce and drinking from the poet, dramatist and cultural catalyst Allan Ramsay and his circle in 1720s Edinburgh.

The songs are from his two most successful publications, the pastoral comedy and ballad opera The Gentle Shepherd and the song collection The Tea-Table Miscellany, and they appear here with tunes in settings by Ramsay's colleagues to bring early Enlightenment Scotland to life.

live versions on video:
Slighted Nansy  -  My Jo Janet  -  Bonny Christy / A South Sea Sang

Review in Soundyngs


Mhairi Lawson, Thomas Walker, Iona Fyfe, Alasdair Roberts, Seonaid Aitken voices
Aaron McGregor, Tim Macdonald violins
Alex McCartney theorbo, guitar, archlute
Lucia Capellaro cello, viol
Hamish Napier flute
David McGuinness harpsichord, director

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