wee dug by Joe Davie

David McGuinness's blog (2000-2018)

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

I’ve got a day with no appointments in it today to catch up on a huge backlog of unanswered emails – sorry if yours is among them. On Sunday I was in London for a very happy afternoon in RAK Studio 2 with Gabrielle Aplin and Tim Victor. Here are my two views from the piano stool (the piano was completely covered in blankets to minimise the spill):

Gabrielle Aplin

Tim Victor

Gabby is on terrific form, is a total joy to work with, and her new single is rather good too.

It was a beautiful sunny morning, so I walked to the studio via Abbey Road to give it a friendly wave and was surprised by the crowds on a Sunday morning waiting to be photographed on the zebra crossing, or adding some graffiti to the walls. I’d be surprised if anyone there had been born when the Abbey Road LP came out, so this wasn’t nostalgia, it was music mythology, which was oddly cheering. I really like the fact that something as mundane as a recording studio in a big old house has acquired a such depth of absorption into our culture, and still inspires such levels of affection.